Monday 26 November 2012

Job Description

Respiratory Therapists assist patients of all ages who suffer from pulmonary (breathing) disorders. Being an expert in both cardiac and pulmonary care respiratory therapists sometimes have to work closely with specialists in pulmonology and anesthesia in various aspects care for the patients. They are specialists in air way management, which means that they maintain open airways during management of trauma, intensive care. Therapists are often responsible for initiating and managing life support for people in the emergency department and intensive care units. Some of the duties that they would have to preform in a day would be 1. determine requirements for treatment, such as type, method and duration of therapy and precautions to be taken. 2.set up devices such as mechanical ventilators, therapeutic gas admissions. 3.Stabilize and monitor high risk patients being moved from hospital to hospital by air or land ambulances.      


  1. Really good at describing what tasks this job does. Overall such a great blog !

  2. really enjoyed your blog! you were great at giving information on this occupation. i could totally see you doing this in the future. was you graph only for canada or overall in general?

  3. Great job on your blog, youll be amazing at this -a.y
